2024 Clergy & Religious Leaders Fellows
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Josh Armstrong is a current M. Div. student at Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis. He earned a B.A. from the University of Florida. Before attending seminary, he spent a decade leading U.S. Air Force Special Warfare ground forces as a Special Tactics Officer. He is an analytical thinker formed by a wide range of operational experiences in combat, international training exercises, and humanitarian missions. Solving complex problems with a team of diverse technical specialists –like operational psychologists and joint special operations forces–has nourished his desire to understand how our insights from theology, psychology, ethics, and philosophy shape our perceptions and daily engagement with others.

Talia Goldberg will receive her Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity school this spring. She studies the philosophy of religion as well as Biblical literature, and is training for a career in hospital chaplaincy. While at Harvard, Talia has worked as a chaplain intern at Youville Assisted Living and at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. She currently works at Lehrhaus, the new Jewish Tavern and House of Learning in Somerville, MA, as an educator. She was raised in Washington, DC, and received her B.A. from Wesleyan University.

Halley Haruta is a third-year Master of Divinity student at the University of Chicago, where her coursework has focused on religious ethics. She received a B.A. in Religion and Psychology from Smith College in 2020. In 2022-2023, she was a Research Fellow at the Program on Medicine and Religion. She is particularly interested in moral psychology and Buddhist and Christian ethics. In her free time, she enjoys playing squash, hiking, watching ducks, and studying French.

Emily Hooker is a graduate student at Baylor University, pursuing a Master of Divinity and Master of Social Work. Pursuing a career in counseling and pastoral care, Emily has worked with adolescence and young adults, with particular emphasis on offering wholistic care for populations working through religious trauma. As an undergraduate at Texas State University, she studied Psychology and Geography as a means of better understanding the intersection of mental health and nature – primarily how nature can benefit those seeking therapeutic services.

Elizabeth Johnson is a chaplain at Unity-Point Meriter Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin serving a wide range of patients and their families. She invests in staff support through supporting the hospital’s Code Lavender program which provides staff debriefing after stressful experiences at work as well as helping support training around moral resilience. Before becoming a hospital chaplain, Elizabeth was a public school teacher and also worked for an international interdenominational Christian training organization. Elizabeth has a Bachelor of Science from Olivet Nazarene University and is a Master of Divinity student at George Fox University’s Portland Seminary.

Raised in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, Barnabas Lin is currently a doctoral student at Fuller Theological Seminary, focusing on epistemic injustice. His work is driven by a ministerial motivation: from a decade of ministering to college students in Chicago and observing how evangelicalism seemed unable to effectively stand against systemic violence. Barnabas currently serves as the Theologian in Residence at Bethel Community Presbyterian Church, where he teaches, preaches, and wonders with the church how Christianity can be rehabilitated to be again the loving and peaceable presence of Jesus in a world understandably at war.

Emily Pruszinski is a doctoral student in Theology and Ethics at Princeton Theological Seminary. She received her A.B. in Geography from Dartmouth College and a Dual MDiv/Master of Arts in Christian Education and Formation from Princeton Theological Seminary. Her research focuses on questions of theology, race, and justice, and she is interested in how embodied aesthetic experiences contribute to moral formation. She is the Director of Family Ministries at Trinity Church, Princeton and is pursuing ordination in the Episcopal Church. A lifelong educator, avid reader, musician, Emily also loves spending time outdoors with her husband Jolyon and their four children.

Michael Sturdy is a candidate for holy orders in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and is a current student in the MDiv program at the School of Theology at Sewanee: The University of the South in Sewanee, TN. A historian by education, Michael enjoys studying his own and other faiths and learning more about the paths others have taken to get where they are today. He has worked in youth ministry, museum education, and the corporate world. He and his wife, Lauren, have two young children who keep them on their toes every day.

Zachary Taylor is a Ph.D. candidate in religious ethics at the University of Chicago Divinity School. His dissertation, “An Augustinian Ethic of Collective Memory,” explores whether and on what basis Christians can justify collective memorial duties in the political sphere. His other interests include religious and theological ethics, Roman Catholic moral theology, the philosophy of religion, and the broader relationship between religion and forms of memory. He earned a B.A. in Classics and Philosophy from Washington and Lee University and an M.Phil. in Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion from the University of Cambridge.

Patrick M. Tugwell currently serves as a chaplain resident at Yale-New Haven Hospital in New Haven, CT. He holds a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) from Boston University School of Theology and is a recent graduate of Yale Divinity School with a Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.), focusing on ethical applications of the Bible in non-religious spaces. His Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Economics is from University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where he investigated ethical quandaries in Corporate America. On the side, Patrick avidly writes at the intersection of self-help and religion. He also lived in Bogotá, Colombia for two years where he learned Spanish and fell in love with Colombian culture. With his diverse background, Patrick is passionate about applying his knowledge and experiences to his ministry, particularly in the context of fostering inclusive and compassionate end-of-life care. Outside of work, Patrick enjoys coaching high school baseball, running, and playing guitar.

Kevin Vollrath is a PhD candidate in "Religion and Society" at Princeton Theological Seminary. He is completing a dissertation on disability among Palestinians in Bethlehem. With a background in philosophy, he is interested in the relation between love, knowledge, and community transformation. He enjoys silence and music, reading and writing, language study, and listening.

Eli Weinbach is an experiential educator for the Jewish people, and strives to manifest his love of the environment and Jewish tradition in a deeply connected world. He worked at a Jewish retreat center where he taught sustainable Judaism before transitioning to graduate-level rabbinical and environmental studies (YCT '24, Harvard Extension '25). He enjoys pickling and cooking with fake-meat substitutes. Anywhere that people are trying to free themselves from the constraints of conflicting truths, you will find Eli cheering them on. He holds a BA in Psychology from Yeshiva University.

Rev. William Woody, S.J., is a Jesuit priest and Ph.D. candidate in philosophy at Boston College, specializing in contemporary French philosophy, the phenomenology of religious experience, and the ethics of forgiveness and reconciliation. He holds graduate degrees from Fordham University (M.A., philosophy) and Boston College (M.Div.), as well as a Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.), concentrating in moral theology and Christian ethics. Bill previously taught philosophy at the College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, MA) and Saint Peter’s University (Jersey City, NJ), and ministered as associate pastor at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown (Washington, DC).