Ethical Leadership Training
The ultimate aim of FASPE’s Ethical Leadership Training (ELT) Programs is to encourage individual participants to be invested in the ethical and cultural direction of their organization. For each ELT Program, FASPE faculty tailors the content and structure of the Program to meet the needs and goals of a specific organization and the participants.
Typically, a ELT begins with a historical overview that describes the activities of German corporations and executives under National Socialism and with general reflections on the role and responsibility of the corporation to its various constituents. The Program then leads participants in an examination of current ethical issues relevant to the specific organization and to the Program participants in their role within that organization and beyond. Given the breadth of expertise of FASPE’s faculty, ELT can be adapted across disciplines and industries and can be customized to serve specific audiences, from young trainees to the C-Suite.
Examples of Ethical Leadership Training topics include:
• lessons to be drawn from the activities of German corporations (and executives)
• the role of corporate codes of ethics and corporate policies
• value-driven leadership and ethical capitalism
• identifying and managing various corporate loyalties and duties
• the role of ethics in the development and use of technology, including as it relates to privacy concerns
FASPE ELT Programs use onsite instruction and interactive learning presented in discrete units. They can be designed to last anywhere from a few hours to several days.