
Tuesday, November 12, 2024

At the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Lower Manhattan
36 Battery Place | New York NY 10280

6PM Cocktails • 7:15-9PM Dinner & Awards Presentation
Cocktail and/or Business Attire

Tickets and Sponsorships | 2024 Digital Journal | Photo Gallery | FASPE Leadership | Awards Home

To make a donation by check, please make your check payable to FASPE and mail to:
322 W. 52nd Street, #1863, New York, NY 10019.

All but $180 (per in-person attendee) of your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.


Cocktail reception and two premier tables (20 guests) for dinner, name and logo prominently displayed on gala materials and signage, full page Platinum digital journal ad, logo and link (or name) listed on event webpage, special recognition at the opening of the program. Your sponsorship enables one alumna/us to attend.

PATRON: $25,000

Cocktail reception and dinner seating at a premier table for 10 guests, name prominently displayed on gala materials and signage, full page Gold digital journal ad, logo and link (or name) listed on event webpage, special recognition at the opening of the program. Your sponsorship enables one alumna/us to attend.

CHAMPION: $15,000

Cocktail reception and dinner seating at a premier table for 10 guests, name prominently displayed on gala materials and signage, full page Silver digital journal ad, logo and link (or name) listed on event webpage. Your sponsorship enables one alumna/us to attend.

ADVOCATE: $10,000

Cocktail reception and dinner seating for 8 guests, full-page digital journal ad, logo and link (or name) listed on event webpage. Your sponsorship enables one alumna/us to attend.

PARTNER: $5,000

Cocktail reception and dinner seating for 4 guests, half-page digital journal ad, logo and link (or name) listed on event webpage.

FRIEND: $2,500

Cocktail reception and dinner seating for 2 guests, quarter-page digital journal ad.

If you are an FASPE Alumna/us or Fellow and would like to attend the event, but aren’t able to buy a ticket, we have a limited number of seats available, subvented by our generous donors. Please contact Raffaela Hovick at to request a ticket.

I cannot attend the event, but I would like to support FASPE with a donation.

A donation of $250 will enable a FASPE Fellow or Alumna/us to attend the event.

To make a donation by check, please make your check payable to FASPE and mail to: 322 W. 52nd Street, #1863, New York, NY 10019.

All but $180 (per in-person attendee) of your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.